caught an episode of "Bones" the other day, "The Daredevil in
the Mold" from Season 6. One of the sub-plots is that Booth asks his
girlfriend Hannah to marry him. That's pretty much the only scene I saw that
day, so there may be some issues surrounding the proposal I've forgotten. But
by the end of that episode, I was shaking my head. This was bad drama and lazy
writing. Even worse, it shows a limited grasp of relationship possibilities.
First, the setup:
- Booth unilaterally decides to ask Hannah to marry him
- DESPITE the fact that Hannah had told him she wasn't the marrying kind
- DESPITE the fact she'd told him this repeatedly
- DESPITE the fact that her job took her away often (iirc)
- Hannah says no
- Booth, shocked, shocked I tell you! that despite all of her earlier declarative statements regarding not wanting to get married that she does note want to get married. Being all butthurt, the mopey Booth ends the relationship and kicks her out of the apartment
writing. I'm guessing that, as fun as the Hannah character was, the writers
needed to get rid of her in order to make room for Bones and Booth to get
together in the next season to give an explanation to Emily Deschanel's
real-life pregnancy. I'll give them this: they kept Booth's actions consistent
with his long-demonstrated reactionary approach to relationships as well as his
less-than-stellar record of actually paying attention to the women in his life.
Sure, it served the dramatic purpose of breaking them up, but BORING.
what fascinated me most (having almost zero investment anymore in
"Bones") was how easy it was to use the "relationship escalator" as a convenient (and lazy, don't forget lazy) shorthand to
create a dramatic break between characters. The audience all knows the
escalator and most even sympathize with Booth for attempting to "take it
to the next level" and being shot down by the woman who just doesn't
understand how wonderful a life filled with Booth ignoring their explicit
statements detailing their wishes would be.
the writers reward Booth for his simplistic and immature behavior towards
Hannah and "give" him Brennan to create the family he wants
(regardless of the fact that it wasn't anything that Brennan wanted. What women
want isn't held very highly by the writers/producers of "Bones.") He
fails "upward" in his attempts to stay on the relationship escalator.
Boring. Lazy. Safe.
galling is the fact that so very few relationships fall into the standard
narrative anymore. And we all know this! Not everyone gets married. Hell, a bare majority of adults are married in the US. Not all families are made up of
one each, male and female. There are unmarried people with families and
remarried people with families, chock full of step- and half- siblings and
parents and guardians. Most states still don't allow gay people to get married
and not all gay people would marry if they could. The escalator no longer
describes most of us, and yet most of us seem happy to let that model be our
definition, even if it means feeling like a failure for not being in a
relationship that matches that model.
In my
writing, I try to depict different relationship models and structures. It isn't that I think no
one should be a couple made up of male-bodied and female-bodied people. Far
from it. What I want to show is that the effort people put in to deliberate
relationships will make it more likely that everyone involved has a good shot
at long term happiness. Why? Because the effort expended is most often about
what will improve the odds at happiness. They don't simply assume that riding
the escalator all the way to the top will result in happiness. Instead, they
question their own needs and desires, they interrogate the needs and desires of
the people in the relationship with him, and together, everyone involved seek
the path that will maximize the happiness of all those involved.
is not to say that Booth would be good at any other relationship structure. For
one thing, his identity is based on doing the "right" thing without
ever actually questioning what that means. He constantly gets rewarded for
being unimaginative, anti-intellectual, and unevolved. I'm not saying all successful polyamorists
are highly evolved individuals, but few successful polyamorists are as
unevolved as Seeley Booth is. I'm sure the writers will make sure that Booth is
happy with Brennan. But that's only because the writers are fine with so
completely rewriting Brennan's character as to make her fit with Booth. It's
her show, but his narrative, and that's not only boring. It's annoying.